Skoda Contracting takes pride in contributing to charities and events that are important to helping the communities we serve.

Some of these charities include, Light the Night (Leukemia and Lymphoma Society), The Children's Specialized Hospital of New Jersey, Semper Fi and America's Fund, The Greater Newark Conservancy, and the March of Dimes (among others).

Skoda Foreman Assists Resident:

Foreman Steven Csiszlak kindly assists a Washington, NJ resident board public transportation near an active construction site and highway.

Skoda Donates to Fanwood Police

“FANWOOD, NJ — The Fanwood Police Department recently received a sizable donation from Skoda Contracting to be used for community policing efforts,
such as National Night Out.”

WAFF Ice House

Washington Gas Hosts WAFF Ice House Fundraiser to Support Families With Heating Assistance

Skoda Supports Cranford PBA

In 2017 Skoda Contracting donated money to the Cranford PBA to purchase a new McGruff the Crime Dog costume since the original was damaged in a storm. Originating in the 1980’s, McGruff has been the child friendly face of many campaigns including anti-drugs, anti-crime, etc. He is famous for the slogan “Take a bite out of crime.” The costume is used at public and school events as well as Cranford’s National Night Out.

Police Unity Tour

Skoda Contracting has been a dedicated sponsor and supporter of the “Police Unity Tour National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial And Commitment That No Fallen Officer Will Be Forgotten” since 2016.

Light The Night Walk

Skoda Contracting 2017 & 2018 Diamond Sponsor. Making a difference in the battle and partnering to find a cure.

John LeClair Foundation

Skoda Contracting was proud to represent the 6th annual John LeClair Foundation Charity Celebrity Dinner & Auction

City of Linden Donation

Skoda Contracting was happy to donate $15,000 to Mayor Derek Armstead’s Youth Commission

NJ Law Enforcement Gold Classic Platinum Sponsor

Skoda Contracting was noted as a Platinum Sponsor for our support and contribution

2019 Southern NJ Spring Heart Walk Donor

Ditch Witch and Skoda Contracting Support Vero Beach Polo Club